Monday, February 6, 2012

Class assignment week 3

Nothing like waiting until the last minute. After a week of rain and gloom, today we had sun. Perfect for taking pictures for my assignment this week. I have had these pictures in my head for some time now. So glad that I took the time to pick up my camera today and take them.

This week our assignment is again in two parts. The first part is contrast. My contrast is boy vs. sky :)

For the second part of the assignment is to capture the decisive moment. Which is defined by our lovely teacher Brooke Snow as " The Decisive Moment is that moment (rare moment) in which the composition of a photo and the message or emotion of the scene reach an apex". Here is mine.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Point of view and less is more

One of my goals this year is to keep taking photography classes. It is always great to learn something new and to meet other photographers. I am taking a class by Brooke Snow for this month. This is actually the second assignment, I didn't have a chance to do the first. and to be honest, I am using archived photos for this assignment. Darn rain, sinus infection, 6 kids with colds and out of town hubby!

The first part of the assignment is point of view.

For this first shot, I was standing up pointing the camera down at my daughter.

For this shot I got down a laid in the grass. Ouch, it had a lot of pokies!

For this shot, I was hiding behind a bunch of weeds. Purposely having my daughter be out of focus.

For the second part of the assignment, our job was to break down the picture into smaller scenes, while leaving the theme intact. This was a photoshoot I did while on a workshop. It was so hot this day!

This is my full body shot, of our sweet model.

The shot I got in a bit closer.

This shot I got even closer, showing how lovely and hot and tired she was :)


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

52 Wednesdays - eyes

It is time for another share from the 52 Wednesday's project. This week our theme is eyes. I couldn't decide which one, so I am sharing both :)

Next up Jessica Marchetti

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

52 Wednesdays

I have joined together this year with a group of other photographers. We will have a weekly theme that will will be shooting. This week our theme was "morning". I had such grand plans of heading out to a field and capturing a sunrise. But my reality is, hubby out of town. 11 children at home :) So I captured an everyday occurance. Baby in her highchair, eating Cheerios, while the other kids get to watch a little tv before we start school.

Next up is Karen Porter!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy December!!!

So crazy that the year is almost over! Here are a few from a recent family mini shoot.

They just added a new bundle of pink to their family and I can't wait for her photo shoot!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I just love so many that I have to share a few more this week.